The Science-Backed Benefits of NooGandha®
NooGandha is backed by multiple human clinical trials
conducted at well-known U.S. universities.
Research Conducted at Texas A&M University
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that when compared to placebo, a single dose of 225 mg of NooGandha® improved all of the measures shown below. After 30 days of supplementation, greater improvements were seen.
- Improved picture recall
- Improved word recall
- Improved reaction time
- Improved executive function
- Decrease in tension
- Decrease in fatigue
Research Conducted at Jacksonville University
Acute cognitive benefits – Feel the ashwagandha working
A double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study found NooGandha can improve acute cognitive performance with a single 400 mg dose:
- Sustained attention
- Prevention of mental fatigue
- Increased short-term memory
- Improved response/reaction time (indicating low mental fatigue)
Cognitive Function
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that NooGandha improved cognitive abilities, cortisol levels, and self-reported mood, stress, food cravings, and anxiety in healthy adults with perceived stress.
- Improved visual memory
- Improved reaction time
- Improved psychomotor speed
- Improved executive function
- Reduced cortisol levels
- Reduced anxiety, stress, depression, perceived stress and food cravings